Delivery Information
Please ensure that you enter a correct and complete delivery address.
Orders will usually be posted within 9 days, unless we have problems getting stock from our suppliers. You will be notified by email when your order has been dispatched. Please remember that we're a small side-business, with each garment being ordered and printed on demand. We have parcels collected on Fridays and will always endeavour to get all outstanding orders posted on that day.
Tracked, Tracked & Signed, Untracked and Economy services may be available to choose from when you check out, depending on the order weight and your location. We have structured the shipping to give you the cheapest possible options. Choosing Economy may result in a slow transit of your items.
For full insurance and a more reliable delivery, we highly recommend that you use the Tracked or Tracked & Signed option (depending on which is available to you). Untracked shipping is insured up to £20 only and lost parcels can take some time to claim (though we will do that on your behalf). In the very unlikely event that something does go missing, we may not be able to reimburse fully for items lost through the Untracked service, whether that be on the UK side or during transit outside of the UK. You must let us know within 180 days of ordering if you have not received it, otherwise we cannot pursue any claims.
Please check that you enter a correct and complete delivery address when placing your order; We can’t be held responsible for items returned to us due to an incomplete or incorrect address. Any items returned to us due to an incorrect address or due to being unclaimed can be reshipped at buyer's cost.
Unfortunately we cannot predict or take responsibility for customs fees levied by the authorities of the destination country. Any items returned to us due to unpaid customs can either be refunded (item(s) cost only), or reshipped at buyer's cost.